810-664-8565 office@fpclapeer.org

Church Life

Youth Ministry
Our church has a passion for living out the gospel calling of Jesus Christ. For the youth, we offer Sunday school, youth group events, and music opportunities, and we are looking to add still more.

Youth Ministry

Welcome from CE Director

Here at the First Presbyterian Church of Lapeer we strive to give each person that comes through our doors the chance to expand their faith and knowledge of God beyond what they learn on Sunday mornings. From our teeniest tots to our most senior seniors, we aim to help everyone grow in knowledge of the Bible, Christianity, and the tenets of Reformed faith. Currently, we are focusing on developing our youth program, but in the future FPCL plans to expand opportunities for adult fellowship through neighborhood bible studies and small groups.


Sunday School

Every Sunday we have opportunities for our nursery and elementary age children to learn with our passionate volunteer teachers. Using the Growing in Grace and Gratitude Curriculum, we fill our biblically-based lessons with activities, games, and practical applications that keep children engaged and moving while they learn about their responsibilities—to themselves, their community, and God—and privileges as Christians living in a complex world.

Our current monthly schedule is as follows:

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Joint Nursery & Elementary Crafts Separate Nursery & Elementary Lessons Joint Nursery & Elementary Movie Separate Nursery & Elementary Lessons Nursery & Elementary Children remain in worship unless announced otherwise

For information about our Sunday school program or to sign up to volunteer as a teacher, please contact the church office at office@fpclapeer.org.


Youth Group

Today’s middle schoolers and teens deal with pressures that were unheard of even a decade ago. Sunday morning youth group is a place where tweens and teens have the chance to talk with compassionate adults that listen to their questions and help them find not just answers but grow a robust, inquiring faith that supports them through their brightest days and darkest nights. Currently we are working through a confirmation curriculum so our youth can become as full church members. When it is finished, our youth will decide for themselves whether to remain in worship or go upstairs to participate in tailored lessons just for them during this in-between stage of life.

Outside of regular church hours, our youth of all ages often go out on church-sponsored activities together: bowling, corn mazes, ice skating, and plenty of other adventures. More robust or overnight activities like lock-ins may have specific age restrictions. Keep an eye out in our weekly church bulletins and on our website for details about any upcoming events!

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